These have three purposes—

–the Interstate competition

–the selection of the Australian Schoolboys Teams

–and, very, importantly, the community rugby experience at this higher level of the 253 best schools rugby players participating in 2018

The Championships bring these players together over seven days to experience—

— what it is like to be challenged to play at a higher level,

–the ethos, values and benefits of rugby in a strong team environment

–the ups and downs of life in a competitive situation.

Many of these players will go on to higher levels—

–46 of them will play in either the Australian Schoolboys Rugby Team or the Australian Schools Barbarians Team against New Zealand and Tongan Schools in September

–27 of them will go on to be selected in the Team to tour Ireland and Scotland in November this year

These and most of the others will go on to play rugby after school at various levels—whether professionally or in Club Rugby.

The Championships are held in two Divisions—

Division 1 –7th to 14th July at Riverview College in Sydney—the teams are: NSW 1 and 2, Qld 1 and 2, ACT, Victoria , WA and Combined States

Division 2—7th to 13th July at Runway Bay on the Gold Coast as part of the Schools Rugby Tournament there—the teams are: Northern Territory, South Australia and Tasmania

Full details are on the Schools Rugby website  –HERE—


Interview with Shalom Sauaso

Shalom Sauaso is unquestionably one of Australia’s most talented and accomplished young athletes and cross-code rugby players. This interview was … Continued