Safety Policy and Participation Policy

Focus on safe, inclusive and fair participation

Rugby Australia Safety Policy

Rugby Australia Participation Policy

Safety Policy: The safety of all participants must be the primary consideration in all participation decisions, overriding all other considerations.

Participation Policy: Rugby should be safe, inclusive and fair. Every effort must be made for Rugby participants with broadly compatible physical development in conjunction with ability and/or experience to play with and against each other.  The Participation Policy (and the associated dispensation procedures) cover age grade, senior rugby, mixed gender, gender identity and disability.

Age Grade Dispensation – NEW  IN 2018  

Size for Age Guidelines

Size for Age Guidelines – Frequently Asked Questions

Age Grade Dispensation Flowchart

Age Grade Dispensation Procedure

Age Grade Dispensation Parent Guardian Consent Form

If you are an independent, qualified assessing Coach, please click here to view the resource page.

senior rugby DISPENSATION

Senior Rugby Dispensation procedure package – 2018 updated documentation coming soon


mixed gender DISPENSATION

Mixed Gender Dispensation procedure package – 2018 updated documentation coming soon

Dispensation procedures for Gender Identity and Disability coming soon.

Documentation common to Dispensation Procedures

Schedule B – Exception for Front Row Dispensation Forms

Junior Age Grade/ Senior Rugby Guidelines Table



Examples below

Go to the links above for answers 


“Size for Age” Guidelines – Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the details on the ‘Size for Age’ Guidelines?

The revised Age Grade Dispensation Procedure and the ‘Size for Age’ Guidelines can be found in the Rugby Australia Policy Register. Further information on the procedure will be available from your Competition Manager.

What are the size ranges that will be affected?

As a parent, how will I know whether my son or daughter requires an assessment under the Age Grade Dispensation Procedure?

When will the assessments begin?

Will all age groups be assessed this season?

Who will assess my child, what does it involve and how will they be trained?

Will any player be required to move age grades?

Will I have the right to a review of an Age Grade Dispensation decision?

What if there is no team at a Club/School for a player to play for in the proposed Age Grade?

Does the regrading affect the age group a player is eligible for regarding representative rugby?



Interview with Shalom Sauaso

Shalom Sauaso is unquestionably one of Australia’s most talented and accomplished young athletes and cross-code rugby players. This interview was … Continued